Sonya Zamora

The Formless Cursed Heiress, Maelstrom Captain

The Basics

Race : Viera (Most often)
Age: Appears early 30s by Hyur standards
Birthplace: Unknown
Home: Ishgard
Favorite Colour: Blue
Gender: TransFemale
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Gynosexual
Relationship: Married, Dating, Poly, Open & Available
Eye Colour: Blue/Aqua



  • Cold Breezes

  • Darkness

  • Chocolate

  • Snow

  • The scent of snow about to fall

  • Softness

  • Pretty dresses

  • Being in-charge

  • Romance

  • Sweet and/or Sour Cold Drinks


  • Extreme Heat

  • Liars

  • Enclosed spaces

  • Overly Spicy Food

  • Losing

  • Being Ignored

  • Overly Strong Alcohol

Physical Appearance

Dangerous as a raging typhoon out at sea, her gaze could rip ships asunder like a strike of lightning, the voice of mythical sirens set to lure sailors to watery graves, and watery eyes to match the churning waters ready to swallow onlookers whole.
Sonya's face is soft, smooth and for the most part blemish free, aside from a beauty mark on her cheek and a soft faint spattering of freckles on her very pale flesh. Thin eyebrows usually angled upwards gives her an annoyed look even when she's smiling, but the fact that she's more than glad to bare her fangs lends to the angry look.
Her use of makeup is limited to only eye and lash products as well as the occasional lipstick. Though with her smooth complexion and naturally pink lips it's less than needed. Isn't she lucky?
The Roots of her hair are auburn and leads to a more crimson red near the ends. Is this natural? Or does she dye her hair? Often seen tied and styled to keep it out of the way.Her physical stature is another matter. She tends to stand a tad tall for a Viera, roughly about the same size as an average female Roe. Being that she likes to wear heels this can be exaggerated. Yes.. Heels.. Don't judge! She doesn't wear them on duty, that would just be silly.. And dangerous.Arms are muscled but smooth and feminine, much can be said about the rest of her.
Her bust is perhaps on the larger side with exaggerated curves, long legs and strong thighs, capped with dainty well taken care of feet.
Over all one could possibly say that she is a fit and attractive woman.

Hooks & History

Sonya is a Maelstrom Captain and has served for roughly 20 turns. She's gone from simple pirate to instructor, to captain over the course of her career.
The Long lost Eldest daughter (Adopted) by a Hingan nobleman and his wife. She left home when she was very young for unspecified reasons. Could easily have been met, seen, or heard of in passing for those of the eastern regions.She is a Blacksmith! In fact a very Aetherically gifted one and tends to use soul fragments to imbue weapons for their wielders with stronger than average attributes. Feel free to send a tell to set something up ahead of time if you're looking for anything particular RP weapon wise. Nothing is without its risks though.


In the process of being rewritten!

About the Player and OOC

Alright so this is the section where I talk about me, myself, and I.Heya! I am a 30 years old transwoman, living in Canada somewhere. West coast probably. I write in an adaptive sort of capacity and often mirror those whom I'm RPing with, I'm looking for friends, interesting stories, and good plots that I can really get into.I RP for fun and to lose myself, to forget the stress of the real world, I'm in general not looking for drama or hardships, though I do love in depth RPs, stories and, romances. I do love romance stories. I'm pretty easy to get along with and generally wont turn away someone looking for RP. Though ERPers beware.. Probably wont reply, especially to "hey" Gawsh one worders erk me.I'm here for:
Long-term RPs, story-driven.
Exploring the world, Slice of Life, Dark and mature themes.
Absolutely romance (RP only)
Doing PVE and PVP content with friends.
Fashion Fantasy 14 online. Yes pretty outfits.
Things I'm not okay with:
Non-consensual sexual themes
RP partners under 18
Racism (OOC namely. If your character hates Lalafels or something thats different..)
Homo & transphobia
Heavy IC/OOC blending.
I tend to AFK a lot in places like Ul'dah or even my house. If you want my attention probably best to leave me a DM at: Vel7875

Art and Screenshots Coming Soon!